Saturday, September 10, 2005

BBC Sinks To New Low

Yes, they've done it again. This one was perhaps the worst and most pathetically bad example ever made by any TV company - including American ones that have to worry about ratings. I refer to the recent screening of "Science And The Seance" that the BBC saw fit to waste my - and probably your - money on. They mentioned a few scientists who had been fooled by the flummery more than a hundred years ago, but nary a word indicating that science has advanced enormously since then and not a single syllable from a modern scientist! Instead, all we got was the same old crap from the charlatans who were pandered to by the pathetic presenter who didn't ask a single probing question during the entire program.

I've tried complaining a few times but the BBC don't want to listen to reason, they seem obsessed with sensationalism as if they needed ratings. Part of their remit is to educate, but they fail miserably on that score, indeed, they seem bent on making sure that the public is "dumbed down" as much as possible, the message is simple: "don't think, just believe the crap we feed you and you'll feel better"

I hope my readers will agree with my position but I know that most won't, so for that majority here are some of my thoughts that may help you see sense, hate me, or maybe just go away.

  • Nobody talks to dead people, not a single proven instance in the history of humanity, I predict there never will be.
  • Not the merest shred of evidence for spirits or ghosts or any similar nonsense, never was, never will be.
  • There is no "other side" this is the only "side" there is, this life is not a rehearsal, you get one shot - you're having it so make the most of it.
  • Religion, Spiritualism, and other sundry bullshit may provide consolation for some and that may be good, but in no way does it mean that any of it is true.
  • Probably a majority believe in some form of afterlife fallacy but again, it means, and proves nothing, only a few hundred years ago everyone thought the world was flat...

Incidentally, during one my harangues with the BBC, I made a proposal for what I thought might be an entertaining program. I would offer myself as a guinea pig in an experiment, they had to find the most scary haunted building possible and I would spend the night there while it was all recorded using night-vision equipment. All I asked for was a bed, a book to read before sleep (as is my custom) and a modest financial reward for my time. Viewers would be held spellbound watching me read and then listening intently, as I snored and farted my way contentedly through the night. Sadly, the BBC showed no interest.


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