Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Population Problems

The population of the world is almost 6.5 billion people increasing at the rate of 128 million per annum, this means that 40 years from now there will be nearly twice as many people on the Earth. How are they going to eat? What are they going to eat? How will they avoid annihilation? If we don't do anything, the current religious and ethnicity based wars that we currently fight will seem insignificant compared to what our young children of today will face as adults.

Humankind can easily live without religion but not without food. Wars fought over food will be much more deadly.

Personally, I see a gloomy future ahead; greed and selfishness is everywhere and I don't have a solution to the problem. I could write a thousand words detailing the reasons for my pessimism but I won't, instead, I invite readers to send me their ideas and proposals. Please try to be realistic and sensible, I will delete nonsensical comments or suggestions that we start praying or hoping for divine intervention.


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