Wednesday, December 08, 2004

GM Anyone?

The hubbub on GM crops seems to have abated somewhat; I hope this doesn’t mean that development is slowing down. I’m slightly fed up with seeing all that organically grown ‘natural’ produce in its obviously expensive packaging taking up space in supermarket shelves, we are being conned here folks; all this ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ nonsense is just an excuse to double the price.

Let’s examine the situation more closely.

A few thousand years ago the stuff we ate that grew in the soil was indeed natural, we wandered around tasting things, if good, we ate. Then some bright spark realised that by planting seeds, protecting young plants from weather damage and from being eaten by other creatures, we could have more of the stuff for ourselves, thus was born that very unnatural device; agriculture. Then we found ways to improve the quality and size of the produce, by various grafting and crossbreeding techniques we obtained fruits, vegetables and cereals that were much better than their ‘natural’ counterparts. All these genetic modifications became so successful and popular that we gave the process its own special name, we called it; farming.

So, now we’re aware that we’ve been GM’ing for at least two thousand years, why not continue? Nothing really bad has happened that can be blamed on a farmed crop, I can’t recall anyone being raped by a perverted potato or murdered by some strawberry strangler! GM crops will be developed; get used to the idea; economics alone will ensure it happens. There’s nothing inherently wrong with modifying something, we just need to be sure that good modifications are made, if we follow this simple plan we’ll have no worries about some triffid-like ambulatory foliage having its planty way with us! Taste will be all-important of course, but given that, which would you rather have? A sorry-ass ‘organic’ spud that’s riddled with screwworm holes and costs a fortune, or a beautiful blemish-free potato that on command, peels itself (thinly of course) then jumps automatically into the cooking vessel of your choice?

I’ve made up my mind!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think a GM potato will peel themselfs and be able to jump in a pot your nuts

3:45 pm  
Blogger Geo said...


7:45 pm  

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