Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Organic Update

Since I wrote the GM post below, I've done some more research on organic vs genetically engineered plants. It seems clear that because organic growing methods are so inefficient, there is no way that it would be able to provide the quantity of food we need, for that reason alone, GM crops will definitely be produced.

As to nutritional value, there is no evidence favouring organic foods; the safety worries about pesticides used on GM plants are unfounded; indeed, it seems more likely that organic produce may have at least as much if not more, health risk; all produce should be washed before consumption anyway. There is no evidence that cow dung and horse manure is any better than synthetically manufactured fertilizer, as far as the plant is concerned they are the same. The manufactured fertilizer simply skips the part where the nutrient has to pass through the gut of an animal.

The bottom line is this: if a plant shows healthy growth, then it's getting the correct nutrients no matter where they come from.


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