Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Grand Canyon

So, the biblical flood made the canyon - at least the book that Bush backs, says so.

It seems that the perpetrators of the Bush government's "Faith Based Initiatives" have decreed that the book be sold in the canyon educational centre alongside sensible journals that explain the real geology. Letters of protest from the Park's Director and others had no effect.

What's next I wonder?

The world today is awash in religious stupidity; not devotion; not even fervour, just plain old stupidity. On the one hand we have fanatics who care nothing for life, on the other we have idiots who believe that all species on Earth would fit in a wooden boat. We need to stop showing any kind of deference or respect for people who try to hide behind religion and use it for their own pathetically obvious ends.

If you really think that the Noah's Ark story is true, or that a martyr will go to heaven and be master of seventy virgins, you're not being devout; all you're doing is showing sensible people that you're amazingly fucking stupid!


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