I don’t think I’ll ever delete any of these but I may add to the list from time to time.
- To argue against an irrationally held belief with a rational argument, is very difficult.
- If your theory disagrees with a suitably pertinent experiment, your theory is wrong.
- Science has no master and no authorities, it matters not who you are, what your name is, where you come from or what your qualifications are. If your theory stands the test of experiment, it and you, will be accepted.
- Any story, idea or belief system incapable of being tested, e.g. religion, is virtually worthless.
- It is better by far not to know, than believe in that for which there is no evidence.
- Faith can be the death of you.
- Life has no meaning other than the meaning you give it.
- If you disagree with medical animal experimentation and don’t wish to look like a hypocritical idiot, don’t seek medical assistance.
- Before you believe something that may be true, imagine how things would be if it were true.
- Capital punishment: those without the capital get the punishment!
- Religion was invented to control and hide knowledge, keep poor people in order and to prevent them murdering rich people.
- If religion doesn’t die it will likely destroy us.
- Religion is demeaning and under-values humanity.
- Don’t blame God for natural disasters, they’re not his fault - he’s not there!
- The more you believe, the less you think.
- Mother Nature guards her secrets well, but she never cheats.
- Never worry that you may be wrong, just accept that on occasion, you will be.
- Don’t fear your own death, it can only exist when you don’t!
- Time becomes more and more precious the older you get
- In nature, there is no crime.
Thanks Jacopo, please visit again soon!
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