Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Unintelligent Design

It seems like everyone has something to say on this issue so I might as well add a comment.

If so-called “Intelligent Design” had any merit it would be right to give it equal footing with Evolution and allow it to be taught in schools. Unfortunately, it has no merit whatsoever; you might as well teach kids there’s an invisible man who lives in the sky! Forget all the nonsense about balanced views and such, these things only apply to sensible arguments, the balance here is about 99 to 1 in favour of Evolution! I give ID one percent purely on the grounds it may have a small entertainment value – bright kids may get a laugh out of it. That’s what those ID fools can’t seem to grasp, perhaps they would succeed in brainwashing one or two dimwits but intelligent pupils will see the garbage for what it is and in any case, ID vs Evolution only highlights the fact that ID is daft!

I don’t like to use the word “evil” because of its religious connotations, but it rightly describes the attempt to cheat students by presenting ID as a valid argument when it’s clearly just thinly disguised Creationist dogma. So, all you ID’ers out there, aren’t you a little embarrassed? You come up with a crappy tale that shows a sad lack of imagination and have the audacity to call it “intelligent”; you must be joking! Tell you what, I’ll let you use my headline – it’s a much better fit!


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