In a comment about my "Bright Is Right " post, an anonymous reader accuses me of closed-mindedness like that of the religites I'm insulting; this is in response.
There is a huge difference between my position and that of godites. I can't prove there is no god, but if convincing evidence became available in support of one, I would accept that, reverse my stance, and retract all my anti-god writings. I am therefore open, not closed-minded. Believers by contrast, accept God in spite of the extreme unlikelihood of his existence and are simply not prepared to listen to rational argument, they are therefore, closed-minded.
I long ago discovered that godites cannot be reasoned with rationally because their beliefs were not obtained rationally, the vast majority were brainwashed into believing when they were children; when their minds were naturally, open to suggestion. I may be wrong about gods, I admit that remote possibility, but when was the last time you heard a believer say their belief may be ill-founded, I suspect the answer, is never.
I suppose that my tone indicates a degree of anger and this may upset some people, well, that's tough! I am angry because of the danger religion presents and the fact that many religites are the most arrogant people I've ever met, some of them actually think they can make me a believer if I just accept their word for it! I take that as an insult - who wouldn't?
Because of the accessibility to instant worldwide communication, religion is perhaps more dangerous today than it has ever been and could possibly result in the death of us all if some religious fanatic got his/her hands on the nuclear trigger. As Sagan said, we are literally made of stardust, we are the Universe trying to understand itself; how tragically ironic and stupid would it be to annihilate ourselves over a fairy tale?
So, you are wrong Anonymous and I take this opportunity to acquaint, or perhaps remind you, of the the great quotation by NASA engineer James Oberg, who said:
"I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall out!"
To conclude on a positive note, I'm reminded of the show business maxim that there is no such thing as bad publicity, any comment, good or bad is better than none, so I thank you for reading!